1 Choice of color edging 7 colors to choose bleurougerosegoldnoircuivreargent BLUEREDPINKOR 18CTBLACKCOPPERCHROMIUM 2 Engraving ou Printing Engraving : 3 possibilities A PATTERN ONLYmore than 50 patterns B PATTERN + TEXT3 lines (max) C TEXT ONLY6 lines (max) PATTERNS Printing : 5 possibilities A PATTERN ONLYmore than 50 patterns B PATTERN + TEXT3 lines (max) C TEXT ONLY6 lines (max) D PHOTO ONLY+ Color filter E PHOTO + TEXT+ Color filter FILTER 3 Personnalisation Choose the model / size : U.MEDIUM U.MILLENIUM 298mm (4 L) Choose the color : BLUE RED PINK OR 18CT BLACK COPPER CHROMIUM 7 colors to choose bleurougerosegoldnoircuivreargent Choice of customization : Engraving Printing Pattern + Text Pattern only Text only Photo only Photo + text Choose the pattern : aucun motif basque cross blason Bearn hunter pine cone Estacade Basque pelota golfer ballon rugby moderne rugbyman ballon rugby rider unicorn sinner Pétanque Marine anchor headlight boat dolphin compass pink fleur de lys rose anglaise rose tudor blason Alsace blason Normand blason de Savoie blason auvergne cross of Brittany Brittany flag Monaco croix occitane Camargue cross cross of Vendée Corse croix Suisse croix de Lorraine cross of Malta lily footballeur tennis tenniswoman dancer treble clef feather rugby aviron rugby toulousain rugby clermont ferrand motorbike steering wheel angel dove butterfly swan flamingo heart corn virgin Mary Christian cross David's star 7 branches candlestick Celtic cross Egyptian cross Franc Maçon Huguenot Cross Buddha fatma's hand Tour aigle USA eagle flag eagle head Miami dolphins USA flag map USA flag flat USA wavy flag baseball C cavaliers Patriots ballon foot us drapeau Anglais blason Anglais Bélier Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Poissons see the patternsnone Choose the photo : Add a picture Photo filter : black and white sepia pink blue Font : Typography T1 Typography T2 Typography T3 Typography T4 Typography T5 Typography T6 Typography T1Typography T2Typography T3Typography T4Typography T5Typography T6see the examples Text : Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Le formulaire n'a pas été envoyé Cancel Save picture Mireille Guilbert 10 avril 1943 25 août 1995 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6